Transform Windows 7 to Snow Leopard
If you are tired of watching the same look and feel of Windows 7, or you envy Mac OS X Snow Leopard for X reasons, it’s try to change the UI and transform the Experience.
already shown you in the past How you can Transform Windows 7 XP Vista
to Mac OS X Leopard. Now lets go little further to match look and feel
of Snow Leopard on your windows 7, Vista.
Snow Transformation Pack will change the appearance of your whole system, including the login screen, icons, wallpapers, sounds, dock, dialog boxes, and other UI elements.
even skins Internet Explorer to look a bit like Safari, and the
familiar OS X style dock is included as well — based on RK Launcher.
There’s even a stacks docklet included.
Make sure you disable User Account
Control to install it. On installing, you’ll get a few choices as to
whether you want to install a few extra background apps that add extra graphics, which is nice if your computer doesnt have enough horsepower.
Download Snow Transformation Pack